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The Works of Henry Fielding - Edited by George Saintsbury in 12 Volumes $p Volume 12 by Henry Fielding
page 40 of 315 (12%)
that life which you are about; for I hear the person is recovered, and
write me out proposals for delivering five sheets of Mr Bailey's
English Dictionary every week, till the whole be finished. If you do
not know the form, you may copy the proposals for printing Bayle's
Dictionary in the same manner. The same words will do for both.

_Enter_ INDEX.

So, Mr Index, what news with you?

_Index_. I have brought my bill, sir.

_Book_. What's here? For fitting the motto of Risum teneatis
Amici to a dozen pamphlets, at sixpence per each, six shillings; for
Omnia vincit Amor, et nos cedamus Amori, sixpence; for Difficile est
Satyram non scribere, sixpence. Hum! hum! hum!--sum total for
thirty-six Latin mottoes, eighteen shillings; ditto English, one
shilling and ninepence; ditto Greek, four--four shillings. These Greek
mottoes are excessively dear.

_Ind_. If you have them cheaper at either of the universities, I
will give you mine for nothing.

_Book_. You shall have your money immediately; and pray remember,
that I must have two Latin seditious mottoes and one Greek moral motto
for pamphlets by to-morrow morning.

_Quib_. I want two Latin sentences, sir--one for page the fourth
in the praise of loyalty, and another for page the tenth in praise of
liberty and property.
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