The Old Roman World, : the Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization. by John Lord
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Mediterranean and its Islands--The Provinces--Principal Cities--Great
Architectural Monuments--Roads--Commerce--Agriculture--Manufactures-- Wealth--Population--Unity of the Empire CHAPTER III. THE WONDERS OF ANCIENT ROME. Original Settlement--The Seven Hills--Progress of the City--Principal Architectural Monuments--A Description of the Temples, Bridges, Aqueducts, Forums, Basilicas, Palaces, Amphitheatres, Theatres, Circuses, Columns, Arches, Baths, Obelisks, Tombs--Miscellaneous Antiquities--Streets--Gardens--Private Houses--Populous Quarters-- Famous Statues and Pictures--General Magnificence--Population CHAPTER IV. ART IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. The great Wonders of Ancient Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting-- Famous Artists of Antiquity--How far the Romans copied the Greeks--How far they extended Art--Its Principles--Its Perfection--Causes of its Decline--Permanence of its grand Creations CHAPTER V. THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. The Original Citizens--Comitia Calata--Comitia Curiata--Comitia Centuriata--Comitia Tributa--The Plebs--Great Patrician Families--The |