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The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon by Mrs. (Rosanna Eleanor) Leprohon
page 70 of 251 (27%)
Acquired at Margaret Bourgeoys' knee;
He, won to Christ from his own dark creed,
From the trammels fierce of his childhood freed,
Lowly humbled his savage Huron pride,
And amid the pale-faces lived and died.

With each added year grows our city fair,
The steepled church, and spacious square,
Villas and mansions of stately pride
Embellish it now on every side;
Buildings--old land marks--vanish each day,
For stately successors to make way;
But from change like that may time leave free
The ancient towers of Ville Marie!

[* Subjoined are their epitaphs, still to be seen in the tower we
speak of:

Ici reposent
Les restes mortels
François Thoronhiongo,
Baptisé par le Révérend
Père Brébeuf.

Il fut par sa piété et par sa probité, l'exemple des chrétiens et
l'admiration des infideles; il mourut âgé d'environ 100 ans, le
21 avril 1690.

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