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In the Quarter by Robert W. (Robert William) Chambers
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In the Quarter

by Robert W. Chambers

In the Quarter was first published in 1894 and the text is in the
public domain. The transcription was done by William McClain, 2003.

A printed version of this book is available from Sattre Press


One evening in May, 1888, the Cafe des Ecoles was even more crowded
and more noisy than usual. The marble-topped tables were wet with beer
and the din was appalling. Someone shouted to make himself heard.

"Any more news from the Salon?"

"Yes," said Elliott, "Thaxton's in with a number three. Rhodes is
out and takes it hard. Clifford's out too, and takes it -- "

A voice began to chant:

Je n'sais comment faire,
Comment concillier
Ma maitresse et mon pere,
Le Code et Bullier.

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