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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 122 of 486 (25%)

[ "Surquoy on me rapporte vne chose tres remarquable, c'est que le Diable
s'enfuit, et ne frappe point ou cesse de frapper ces miserables, quand vn
Catholique entre en leur compagnie, et qu'il ne laisse point de les battre
en la presence d'vn Huguenot: d'ou vient qu'vn iour se voyans battus en
la compagnie d'vn certain Francois, ils luy dirent: Nous nous estonnons
qua le diable nous batte, toy estant auec nous, veu qu'il n'oseroit le
faire quand tes compagnons sont presents. Luy se douta incontinent que
cela pouuoit prouenir de sa religion (car il estoit Caluiniste);
s'addressant donc a Dieu, il luy promit de se faire Catholique si le
diable cessoit de battre ces pauures peuples en sa presence. Le voeu fait,
iamais plus aucun Demon ne molesta Ameriquain en sa compagnie, d'ou vient
qu'il se fit Catholique, selon la promesse qu'il en auoit faicte.
Mais retournons a nostre discours."--Relation, 1634, 22. ]

Thus prone to believe in the immediate presence of the nether powers,
Le Jeune watched the sorcerer with an eye prepared to discover in his
conjurations the signs of a genuine diabolic agency. His observations,
however, led him to a different result; and he could detect in his rival
nothing but a vile compound of impostor and dupe. The sorcerer believed
in the efficacy of his own magic, and was continually singing and beating
his drum to cure the disease from which he was suffering. Towards the
close of the winter, Le Jeune fell sick, and, in his pain and weakness,
nearly succumbed under the nocturnal uproar of the sorcerer, who, hour
after hour, sang and drummed without mercy,--sometimes yelling at the top
of his throat, then hissing like a serpent, then striking his drum on the
ground as if in a frenzy, then leaping up, raving about the wigwam,
and calling on the women and children to join him in singing. Now ensued
a hideous din; for every throat was strained to the utmost, and all were
beating with sticks or fists on the bark of the hut to increase the noise,
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