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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 136 of 486 (27%)
which had lately been decorated with a few hangings, images, and pieces
of plate. These unwonted splendors filled them with admiration. They
asked if the dove over the altar was the bird that makes the thunder; and,
pointing to the images of Loyola and Xavier, inquired if they were
_okies_, or spirits: nor was their perplexity much diminished by Brebeuf's
explanation of their true character. Three images of the Virgin next
engaged their attention; and, in answer to their questions, they were
told that they were the mother of Him who made the world. This greatly
amused them, and they demanded if he had three mothers. "Oh!" exclaims
the Father Superior, "had we but images of all the holy mysteries of our
faith! They are a great assistance, for they speak their own lesson."
[ Relation, 1633, 38. ] The mission was not doomed long to suffer from a
dearth of these inestimable auxiliaries.

The eve of departure came. The three priests packed their baggage,
and Champlain paid their passage, or, in other words, made presents to
the Indians who were to carry them in their canoes. They lodged that
night in the storehouse of the fur company, around which the Hurons were
encamped; and Le Jeune and De Noue stayed with them to bid them farewell
in the morning. At eleven at night, they were roused by a loud voice in
the Indian camp, and saw Le Borgne, the one-eyed chief of Allumette
Island, walking round among the huts, haranguing as he went. Brebeuf,
listening, caught the import of his words. "We have begged the French
captain to spare the life of the Algonquin of the Petite Nation whom he
keeps in prison; but he will not listen to us. The prisoner will die.
Then his people will revenge him. They will try to kill the three
black-robes whom you are about to carry to your country. If you do not
defend them, the French will be angry, and charge you with their death.
But if you do, then the Algonquins will make war on you, and the river
will be closed. If the French captain will not let the prisoner go,
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