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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 181 of 486 (37%)
pocket-money to give to beggars. One of his brothers relates of him,
that, seeing an obscene book, he bought and destroyed it, lest other boys
should be injured by it. He had always wished to be a Jesuit, and,
after a novitiate which is described as most edifying, he became a
professed member of the Order. The Church, indeed, absorbed the greater
part, if not the whole, of this pious family,--one brother being a
Carmelite, another a Capuchin, and a third a Jesuit, while there seems
also to have been a fourth under vows. Of Charles Garnier there remain
twenty-four letters, written at various times to his father and two of
his brothers, chiefly during his missionary life among the Hurons.
They breathe the deepest and most intense Roman Catholic piety, and a
spirit enthusiastic, yet sad, as of one renouncing all the hopes and
prizes of the world, and living for Heaven alone. The affections of his
sensitive nature, severed from earthly objects, found relief in an ardent
adoration of the Virgin Mary. With none of the bone and sinew of rugged
manhood, he entered, not only without hesitation, but with eagerness,
on a life which would have tried the boldest; and, sustained by the
spirit within him, he was more than equal to it. His fellow-missionaries
thought him a saint; and had he lived a century or two earlier, he would
perhaps have been canonized: yet, while all his life was a willing
martyrdom, one can discern, amid his admirable virtues, some slight
lingerings of mortal vanity. Thus, in three several letters, he speaks
of his great success in baptizing, and plainly intimates that he had sent
more souls to Heaven than the other Jesuits.

[ The above sketch of Garnier is drawn from various sources.
Observations du P. Henri de St. Joseph, Carme, sur son Frere le
P. Charles Garnier, MS.--Abrege de la Vie du R. Pere Charles Garnier, MS.
This unpublished sketch bears the signature of the Jesuit Ragueneau,
with the date 1652. For the opportunity of consulting it I am indebted
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