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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 183 of 486 (37%)
and disease. At length he reached Ancona, when the thought occured to
him of visiting the Holy House of Loretto, and imploring the succor of
the Virgin Mary. Nor were his hopes disappointed. He had reached that
renowned shrine, knelt, paid his devotions, and offered his prayer, when,
as he issued from the door of the chapel, he was accosted by a young man,
whom he conjectures to have been an angel descended to his relief,
and who was probably some penitent or devotee bent on works of charity or
self-mortification. With a voice of the greatest kindness, he proffered
his aid to the wretched boy, whose appearance was alike fitted to awaken
pity and disgust. The conquering of a natural repugnance to filth,
in the interest of charity and humility, is a conspicuous virtue in most
of the Roman Catholic saints; and whatever merit may attach to it was
acquired in an extraordinary degree by the young man in question.
Apparently, he was a physician; for he not only restored the miserable
wanderer to a condition of comparative decency, but cured him of a
grievous malady, the result of neglect. Chaumonot went on his way,
thankful to his benefactor, and overflowing with an enthusiasm of
gratitude to Our Lady of Loretto.

[ "Si la moindre dame m'avoit fait rendre ce service par le dernier de
ses valets, n'aurois-je pas dus lui en rendre toutes les reconnoissances
possibles? Et si apres une telle charite elle s'etoit offerte a me
servir toujours de mesme, comment aurois-je du l'honorer, lui obeir,
l'aimer toute ma vie! Pardon, Reine des Anges et des hommes! pardon de
ce qu'apres avoir recu de vous tant de marques, par lesquelles vous
m'avez convaincu que vous m'avez adopte pour votre fils, j'ai eu
l'ingratitude pendant des annees entieres de me comporter encore plutot
en esclave de Satan qu'en enfant d'une Mere Vierge. O que vous etes
bonne et charitable! puisque quelques obstacles que mes peches ayent pu
mettre a vos graces, vous n'avez jamais cesse de m'attirer au bien;
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