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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 185 of 486 (38%)
galle ou teigne, me delivra d'une infinite de peines et d'incommodites
corporelles, que cette hideuse maladie qui me rongeoit m'avoit cause.
Joseph m'ayant obtenu la grace d'etre incorpore a un corps aussi saint
qu'est celui des Jesuites, m'a preserve d'une infinite de miseres
spirituelles, de tentations tres dangereuses et de peches tres enormes.
Jesus n'ayant pas permis que j'entrasse dans aucun autre ordre qu'en
celui qu'il honore tout a la fois de son beau nom, de sa douce presence
et de sa protection speciale. O Jesus! O Marie! O Joseph! qui meritoit
moins que moi vos divines faveurs, et envers qui avez vous ete plus
prodigue?"--Chaumonot, Vie, 37. ]

Before embarking, he set out with the Jesuit Poncet, who was also
destined for Canada, on a pilgrimage from Rome to the shrine of Our Lady
of Loretto. They journeyed on foot, begging alms by the way. Chaumonot
was soon seized with a pain in the knee, so violent that it seemed
impossible to proceed. At San Severino, where they lodged with the
Barnabites, he bethought him of asking the intercession of a certain poor
woman of that place, who had died some time before with the reputation of
sanctity. Accordingly he addressed to her his prayer, promising to
publish her fame on every possible occasion, if she would obtain his cure
from God. [ "Je me recommandai a elle en lui promettant de la faire
connoitre dans toutes les occasions que j'en aurois jamais, si elle
vn'obtenoit de Dieu ma guerison."--Chaumonot, Vie, 46. ] The
intercession was accepted; the offending limb became sound again, and the
two pilgrims pursued their journey. They reached Loretto, and, kneeling
before the Queen of Heaven, implored her favor and aid; while Chaumonot,
overflowing with devotion to this celestial mistress of his heart,
conceived the purpose of building in Canada a chapel to her honor,
after the exact model of the Holy House of Loretto. They soon afterwards
embarked together, and arrived among the Hurons early in the autumn of
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