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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
page 97 of 486 (19%)
Terrace and the Place d'Armes. Its ramparts were of logs and earth,
and within was a turreted building of stone, used as a barrack, as
officers' quarters, and for other purposes. [ Compare the various
notices in Champlain (1632) with that of Du Creux, Historia Canadensis,
204. ] Near the fort stood a small chapel, newly built. The surrounding
country was cleared and partially cultivated; yet only one dwelling-house
worthy the name appeared. It was a substantial cottage, where lived
Madame Hebert, widow of the first settler of Canada, with her daughter,
her son-in-law Couillard, and their children, good Catholics all, who,
two years before, when Quebec was evacuated by the English, [ 1 ] wept
for joy at beholding Le Jeune, and his brother Jesuit, De Noue, crossing
their threshold to offer beneath their roof the long-forbidden sacrifice
of the Mass. There were inclosures with cattle near at hand; and the
house, with its surroundings, betokened industry and thrift.

[ 1 See "Pioneers of France in the New World." Hebert's cottage seems
to have stood between Ste.-Famille and Couillard Streets, as appears by a
contract of 1634, cited by M. Ferland. ]

Thence Le Jeune walked on, across the site of the modern market-place,
and still onward, near the line of the cliffs which sank abruptly on his
right. Beneath lay the mouth of the St. Charles; and, beyond, the
wilderness shore of Beauport swept in a wide curve eastward, to where,
far in the distance, the Gulf of Montmorenci yawned on the great river.
[ The settlement of Beauport was begun this year, or the year following,
by the Sieur Giffard, to whom a large tract had been granted here--
Langevin, Notes sur les Archives de N. D. de Beauport, 5. ] The priest
soon passed the clearings, and entered the woods which covered the site
of the present suburb of St. John. Thence he descended to a lower
plateau, where now lies the suburb of St. Roch, and, still advancing,
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