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The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century by Francis Parkman
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probably included the site of the Jesuit mission-house, the remnants of
his shattered army rallied, after their defeat on the Plains of
Abraham.--See the very curious Narrative of the Chevalier Johnstone,
published by the Historical Society of Quebec. ]

[ 2 The above particulars are gathered from the Relations of 1626
(Lalemant), and 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635 (Le Jeune), but chiefly from a
long letter of the Father Superior to the Provincial of the Jesuits at
Paris, containing a curiously minute report of the state of the mission.
It was sent from Quebec by the returning ships in the summer of 1634,
and will be found in Carayon, Premiere Mission des Jesuites au Canada,
122. The original is in the archives of the Order at Rome. ]

Of the six Jesuits gathered in the refectory for the evening meal,
one was conspicuous among the rest,--a tall, strong man, with features
that seemed carved by Nature for a soldier, but which the mental habits
of years had stamped with the visible impress of the priesthood. This
was Jean de Brebeuf, descendant of a noble family of Normandy, and one of
the ablest and most devoted zealots whose names stand on the missionary
rolls of his Order. His companions were Masse, Daniel, Davost, De Noue,
and the Father Superior, Le Jeune. Masse was the same priest who had
been the companion of Father Biard in the abortive mission of Acadia.
[ See "Pioneers of France in the New World." ] By reason of his useful
qualities, Le Jeune nicknamed him "le Pere Utile." At present, his
special function was the care of the pigs and cows, which he kept in the
inclosure around the buildings, lest they should ravage the neighboring
fields of rye, barley, wheat, and maize. [ 1 ] De Noue had charge of the
eight or ten workmen employed by the mission, who gave him at times no
little trouble by their repinings and complaints. [ 2 ] They were forced
to hear mass every morning and prayers every evening, besides an
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