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Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves by Cicely Kent
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Few subjects need more patience than those dealing with Psychology. Even
those who put their knowledge to a practical use in such studies as
divination by tea-leaves, must still plod patiently along a path thickly
strewn with new knowledge. The powers of clairvoyance, for instance,
cannot be forced or hurried; such arbitrary laws as time have no meaning
for the subconscious self, therefore the need for hurry does not exist.

I was once told by a very mediumistic woman that she had sat in the same
room at the same time for an hour every day for seven years, because she
"wished to develop Clairvoyance." Here was patience indeed! In some
manifestations of the clairvoyant powers within us, it is spontaneous,
the closing of the eyes to shut out all material surroundings being all
that is necessary to bring a vision of what is happening, or shortly to
happen, possibly hundreds of miles away.

In all dreams the clairvoyant powers are spontaneous; but for the
development of clairvoyance at will, great perseverance is necessary.
Its interests and powers are unlimited, so that it is well worth the
patience and time spent upon it.

In the use of tea-leaves as a means of divination, the more developed
the "clear sight," the more interesting and accurate will be the
interpretation. Practice is most necessary, especially for those who
have less natural clairvoyance than others.

The desire for knowledge on all Psychic matters has led to an increased
demand for various methods of bringing into symbols and pictures that
hidden knowledge of the present and the future. That this knowledge can
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