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Five Little Peppers Abroad by Margaret Sidney
page 128 of 340 (37%)
seemed as if everything that the Henderson boys could possibly want,
was in some of those places--no matter how out-of-the-way--and waiting
to be bought to fly over the sea to Badgertown. At last off that box
went. Then Polly was quite happy, and could enjoy things all the more,
with a mind at rest.

"Now we are all ready for Marken," she cried that night, after dinner,
when the box was on its way to the steamer, "and I do hope we are going
to-morrow." Jasper and she had a little table between them, and they
were having a game of chess.

"Yes, we are, I think," said Jasper, slowly considering whether he
would better bring down one of his knights into the thick of the
battle, or leave it to protect his queen.

"Oh, how fine!" exclaimed Polly, unguardedly moving the pawn that held
at bay a big white bishop, who immediately swooped down on her queen,
and away it went off the board; and "oh, how perfectly dreadful!" all
in one and the same breath.

"You may have it back," said Jasper, putting the black queen in place

"No, indeed--it's perfectly fair that I lost it," said Polly; "oh, I
wouldn't take it back for anything. I was talking; it was all my own
fault, Jasper."

"Well, you were talking about Marken, and I don't wonder, for we have
been so long trying to go there. Do take it back, Polly," he begged,
holding it out.
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