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Five Little Peppers Abroad by Margaret Sidney
page 132 of 340 (38%)

"O dear me--and Adela hasn't any one but a sick grandmother--and I have
just--everybody," she thought "You shall use my kodak," cried Polly,
aloud, "one-half the time, Adela."

"Oh, no," protested Adela; but she looked hungrily at Polly's kodak
swinging over her shoulder.

"Yes, you shall too," declared Polly, cheerily. "I can take all the
pictures I want in that time, and I have lots of films."

"I'll divide with you, Polly," said Jasper. "I brought ever so many,
and will go shares with my kodak, too." But Polly made up her mind that
Jasper's kodak was to be used for his own special pictures, for she
knew he had set his heart on taking certain ones, and a good many of
them, too.

"Isn't that water just perfectly lovely!" she exclaimed; "such a bluish

"I think it's a greyish blue," said Adela, squinting along its surface

"Well, what's the difference?" asked Polly, laughing.

"Not much," said Jasper, "I should think."

"Well, anyway, it's lovely," declared Polly; "I just wish I could paint

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