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The Spanish Chest by Edna Adelaide Brown
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notice, you'll see that he does every single thing Win wants and
always looks to see if he's all right. It helps me too, for I'm
ashamed to fuss over trifles when Win has so much to bear."

The little tram was traveling at a moderate pace toward town,
stopping at several tiny stations where more and more people

"I can't get used to hearing people talk French," said Frances.
"It seems so odd when Jersey is a part of England."

"The French spoken here isn't that of Paris," remarked her
brother, rising from his seat. "It's Norman French."

"I know I can't understand it easily," confessed Edith, "and
Sister has always taken pains to teach me. I'm glad it isn't all
my fault."

The train came to a stand on the esplanade of St. Helier's. The
four stopped to look over the sea-wall, to the beach far below,
across to the long stone piers forming the artificial sea basin
and up to Fort Regent overhanging the town like a war-cloud.

"That fort looks stuck on the cliff like a swallow's nest,"
commented Roger. "Look, there's a snow-white sea-gull!"

"There's another with a black tail," exclaimed Edith. "Oh, aren't
they beautiful!"

"In the United States is a city that put up a monument to the sea-
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