Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 19 of 310 (06%)
page 19 of 310 (06%)
16. Serpents hiss.
17. Smoke curling. 18. Serpents sparkles. 19. Melting babble. 20. Eagles soar. 21. Birds chirping. 22. Birds are chirping. 23. Birds chirp. 24. Gentle cows. 25. Eagles are soaring. 26. Bees ice. 27. Working bees. 28. Bees work. 29. Crawling serpents. 30. Landscape piano. 31. Serpents crawl. 32. Eagles clock. 33. Serpents crawling. LESSON 5. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Illustrate, by the use of _a_, _b_, and _p_, the difference between the _sounds_ of letters and their _names_. Letters are the signs of what? What is an idea? A _spoken_ word is the sign of what? A _written_ word is the sign of what? How do they differ? To what four different things did we call |