Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 29 of 310 (09%)
page 29 of 310 (09%)
Impromptu Exercise. Let the pupils "choose sides," as in a spelling match. Let the teacher select _predicates_ from Lesson 8, and give them alternately to the pupils thus arranged. The first pupil prefixes to his word whatever suitable subjects he can think of, the teacher judging of their fitness and keeping the count. This pupil now rises and remains standing until some one else, on his side or the other, shall have prefixed to his word a greater number of apt subjects. The strife is to see who shall be standing at the close of the match, and which side shall have furnished the greater number of subjects. The exercise may be continued with the _subjects_ of Lesson 9. Each pupil is to be limited to the same time--one or two minutes. LESSON 11. ANALYSIS. The +_predicate_+ sometimes contains +_more than one word_+. _Analyze_ and _diagram_ according to the model. +Model+.--_Socrates was poisoned_. Socrates | was poisoned ============|================ | |