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Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 32 of 310 (10%)


Point out the _subject_ and the predicate of each sentence in Lessons 28,
31, 34.

Look first for the word that asserts, and then, by putting _who_ or _what_
before this _predicate_, the _subject_ may easily be found.

+To the Teacher+.--Most violations of the rules of concord come from a
failure to recognize the relation of subject and predicate when these parts
are transposed or are separated by other words. Such constructions should
therefore receive special attention. See Notes, pp. 164, 165.

Introduce the class to the Parts of Speech before the close of this
recitation. See "Hints for Oral Instruction."

See "Suggestions for COMPOSITION EXERCISES," p. 8, last paragraph.



+Hints for Oral Instruction+.--By the assistance of the few hints here
given, the ingenious teacher may render this usually dry subject
interesting and highly attractive. By questioning the pupil as to what he
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