Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 41 of 310 (13%)
page 41 of 310 (13%)
+T.--+If I should tell that boy to close his book, when his book was already closed, what would he say without mentioning the word book? +P.--+_It_ is closed. +T.--+If I should accuse several of you of whispering, and one should speak for himself and for the others whispering with him, what would he say? _We_ whispered. +T--+Suppose that a boy should inform me that all of the boys on that seat had whispered, what would he say? +P.--+_They_ whispered. _I, you, he, she, it, we_, and _they_ are not names, but they are used instead of names. We call such words +Pronouns+. +DEFINITION.--A _Pronoun_ is a word used for a noun+. +CAPITAL LETTERS--RULE.--The words _I_ and _O_ should be written in capital letters+. Analysis and Parsing. +Model.--+_You will be rewarded_. +Oral Analysis--+This is a sentence, because----; _you_ is the subject, because----; _will be rewarded_ is the predicate, because----. +Parsing.--+_You_ is a _pronoun_, because it stands for the name of the person spoken to; _will be rewarded_ is a verb, because----. |