Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 46 of 310 (14%)
page 46 of 310 (14%)
only words that do what? What must every predicate contain?
What parts of speech are explained in the preceding Lessons? What is a pronoun? Give the rule for writing the words _I_ and _0_. What is the foundation on which every sentence is built? May the subject be modified? What is a modifier? What is the modified subject? LESSON 21. SENTENCE-BUILDING. We have here prepared the foundations of sentences which you are to complete by writing two or more suitable modifiers to each subject. Be careful to choose and arrange your material so as to make a neat and appropriate structure. +Model+.---------- eminence was reached. _That lofty_ eminence was reached. 1. ---- speaker was applauded. 2. ---- difficulties were overcome. 3. ---- leaf trembles. 4. ---- accident happened. 5. ---- books should be read. 6. ---- houses are built. 7. ---- soldiers perished. |