Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 52 of 310 (16%)
page 52 of 310 (16%)
An unit; an utensil; an university; an ewe; an ewer; an union; an use; an
history; an one. _Unit_ begins with the sound of the consonant _y_; and _one_, with that of _w_. +To the Teacher+.--See "Suggestions for COMPOSITION EXERCISES," p. 8, last paragraph. LESSON 24. MODIFIED PREDICATES. +Hints for Oral Instruction+.--I will now show you how the _predicate_ of a sentence may be modified. _The ship sails gracefully_. What word is here joined to _sails_ to tell the _manner_ of sailing? +P+.--_Gracefully_. +T+.--_The ship sails immediately_. What word is here joined to _sails_ to tell the _time_ of sailing? +P+.--_Immediately_. +T+.--_The, ship sails homeward_. What word is here joined to _sails_ to tell the _direction_ of sailing? +P+.--_Homeward_. +T+.--These words _gracefully, immediately_, and _homeward_ are modifiers of the predicate. In the first sentence, _sails gracefully_ is the |