Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 65 of 310 (20%)
page 65 of 310 (20%)
away_. What word may be used for the phrase _of the morning?_
+P+.--_Morning_. +T+.--Yes. The _morning_ dew has passed away. A phrase modifying the predicate is equivalent to an adverb, and, frequently, may be changed into one. _We shall go to that place_. What word may be used for the phrase, _to that place?_ +P+.--_There_. +T+.--Yes. We shall go _there_. Change the phrases in these sentences:--- _A citizen of America was insulted. We walked toward home_. Let the teacher write on the board the following words, and require the pupils to add to each, one or more words to complete a phrase, and then to construct a sentence in which the phrase may be properly employed: _To, from, by, at, on, with, in, into, over_. +DEFINITION.--A _Phrase_ is a group of words denoting related ideas but not expressing a thought+. Analysis and Parsing. Analyze the following sentences, and parse the nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Model.--_The finest trout in the lake are generally caught in the deepest water_. |