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Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 83 of 310 (26%)
little vertical line only touches this without cutting it.

+Oral Analysis.--+_Fulton_ and _invented_, as before. _Steamboat_ is the
_object complement_, because it completes the predicate, and names that
which receives the act. _The_ and _first_, as before. _The first steamboat_
is the _modified complement_.

1. Caesar crossed the Rubicon.
2. Morse invented the telegraph.
3. Ericsson built the Monitor.
4. Hume wrote a history.
5. Morn purples the east,
6. Antony beheaded Cicero.

+Model+.--_Gold is malleable_.

Gold | is \ malleable

In this diagram, the line standing for the _attribute complement_,
like the _object line_, is a continuation of the predicate line; but
notice the difference in the little mark separating the
_incomplete_[Footnote: Hereafter we shall call the _verb_ the
_predicate_, but, when followed by a complement, it must be regarded
as an _incomplete_ predicate.] predicate from the complement.

+Oral Analysis+.---_Gold_ and _is_, as before.

_Malleable_ is the _attribute complement_, because it completes
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