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The Mansion by Henry Van Dyke
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The young man's voice hesitated a little. "Yes, it sound like
I know, but sometimes I feel as if I'd like to do some good in
the world,
if father only wouldn't insist upon God's putting it into the

His mother moved uneasily, and a slight look of bewilderment
came into her face.

"Isn't that almost irreverent?" she asked. "Surely the righteous

must have their reward. And your father is good. See how much
he gives to all the established charities, how many things he has
He's always thinking of others, and planning for them. And
for us, he does everything. How well he has planned this trip
to Europe for me and the girls--the court-presentation at Berlin,

the season on the Riviera, the visits in England with the
Plumptons and
the Halverstones. He says Lord Halverstone has the finest
old house in Sussex, pure Elizabethan, and all the old customs
kept up, too--family prayers every morning for all the domestics.

By-the-way, you know his son Bertie, I believe."

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