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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 126 of 322 (39%)
has a certain need of such prigs. A correspondent (a schoolmistress of
experience) who has collected statistics in her own neighbourhood, is
strongly of opinion not only that solitary children are below the
average, but that all elder children are inferior in quality. I do not
believe this, but it would be interesting and valuable if some one
could find time for a wide and thorough investigation of this



So far we have concerned ourselves with the introductory and foundation
matter of the New Republican project, with the measures and methods
that may be resorted to, firstly, if we would raise the general quality
of the children out of whom we have to make the next generation, and,
secondly, if we would replace divergent dialects and partial and
confused expression by a uniform, ample and thorough knowledge of
English throughout the English-speaking world. These two things are
necessary preliminaries to the complete attainment of the more
essential nucleus in the New Republican idea. So much has been
discussed. This essential nucleus, thus stripped, reveals itself as the
systematic direction of the moulding forces that play upon the
developing citizen, towards his improvement, with a view to a new
generation of individuals, a new social state, at a higher level than
that at which we live to-day, a new generation which will apply the
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