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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 129 of 322 (40%)
than a glance at our present failures we will set ourselves to that.

To do better we must begin with a careful analysis of the process of
this man's making, of the great complex of circumstances which mould
the vague possibilities of the average child into the reality of the
citizen of the modern state.

We may begin upon this complex most hopefully by picking out a few of
the conspicuous and typical elements and using them as a basis for an
exhaustive classification. To begin with, of course, there is the home.
For our present purpose it will be convenient to use "home" as a
general expression for that limited group of human beings who share the
board and lodging of the growing imperial citizen, and whose
personalities are in constant, close contact with his until he reaches
fifteen or sixteen. Typically, the chief figures of this group are
mother, brothers and sisters, and father, to which are often added
nursemaid, governess, and other servants. Beyond these are playmates
again. Beyond these acquaintances figure. Home has indeed nowadays, in
our world, no very definite boundaries--no such boundaries as it has,
for example, on the veldt. In the case of a growing number of English
upper middle-class children, moreover, and of the children of a growing
element in the life of the eastern United States, the home functions
are delegated in a very large degree to the preparatory school. It is a
distinction that needs to be emphasized that many so-called schools are
really homes, often very excellent homes, with which schools, often
very inefficient schools, are united. All this we must lump together--
it is, indeed, woven together almost inextricably--when we speak of
home as a formative factor. The home, so far as its hygienic conditions
go, we have already dealt with, and we have dealt, too, with the great
neglected necessity, the absolute necessity if our peoples are to keep
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