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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 157 of 322 (48%)
which is perpetually tending on the one hand to realize itself and to
become in that manner a material force, and on the other to impose
fresh interpretations upon things and so become a factor in tradition.
Now the first of these elements is a thing established. And it is the
possibility of intervening through the remaining two that it is now our
business to discuss.



We left the child whose development threads through this discussion
ripe to begin a little schooling at the age of five. We have cleared
the ground since then of a great number of things that have got
themselves mixed up in an illegitimate way with the idea of school, and
we can now take him on again through his "schooling" phases. Let us
begin by asking what we require and then look to existing conditions to
see how far we may hope to get our requirements. We will assume the
foundation described in the fourth paper has been well and truly laid,
that we have a number of other similarly prepared children available to
form a school, and that we have also teachers of fair average
intelligence, conscience, and aptitude. We will ask what can be done
with such children and teachers, and then we may ask why it is not
universally done.

Even after our clarifying discussion, in which we have shown that
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