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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 182 of 322 (56%)
myself with a mere mention of the names of Rippmann, S. Alge, Hoelzel,
and Gouin as typical of the new ways.

There remains the question of _C_, the amount of Information that
is to take a place in schooling. Now there is one "subject" that it
would be convenient to include, were it only for the sake of the mass
of exercise and illustration it supplies to the mathematical course,
and that is the science of Physics. In addition, the science of
physics, since it culminates in a clear understanding and use of the
terminology of the aspects of energy and a clear sense of adequate
causation, is fundamentally necessary to modern thought. Practical work
is, no doubt, required for the proper understanding of physical
science, and so far it must enter into schooling, but it may be pointed
out here that in many cases the educational faddist is overdoing the
manual side of science study to a ridiculous extent. Things have
altered very much at the Royal College of Science, no doubt, since my
student days, but fifteen years ago the courses in elementary physics
and in elementary geology were quite childishly silly in this respect.
Both these courses seemed to have been inspired by that eminent
educationist, Mr. Squeers, and the sequel to spelling "window" was
always to "go and clean one." The science in each course in those days
could have been acquired just as well in a fortnight as in half a year.
One muddled away three or four days etching a millimetre scale with
hydrofluoric acid on glass--to no earthly end that I could discover--
and a week or so in making a needless barometer. In the course in
geology, days and days were spent in drawing ideal crystalline forms
and colouring them in water-colours, apparently in order to get a
totally false idea of a crystal, and weeks in the patient copying of
microscopic rock sections in water-colours. Effectual measures of
police were taken to prevent the flight of the intelligent student from
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