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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 28 of 322 (08%)
standing game, the getting in, the turning out, the contests and
governments, that has just about the same relation to the new
perception of affairs, to the real drift of life, as the game of
cricket with the wheel as a wicket would have to the destinies of a
ship. They find their game highly interesting and no doubt they play it
with remarkable wit, skill and spirit, but they entirely disregard the
increasing number of passengers who are concerning themselves with the
course and destination of the ship.

Those particular passengers in the figure, present the New Republic. It
is a dissension, an inquiry, it is the vague unconsolidated matter for
a new direction. "We who are young," says the spirit of the New
Republic, "we who are in earnest can no more compass our lives under
these old kingships and loyalties, under these old leaders and these
old traditions, constitutions and pledges, with their party
liabilities, their national superstitions, their rotting banners and
their accumulating legacy of feuds and lies, than we can pretend we are
indeed impassioned and wholly devoted subjects of King Edward, spending
our lives in the service of his will. It is not that we have revolted
from these things, it is not that we have grown askew to them and that
patching and amendment will serve our need; it is that we have
travelled outside them altogether--almost inadvertently, but quite
beyond any chance of return to a simple acceptance again. We are no
more disposed to call ourselves Liberals or Conservatives and to be
stirred to party passion at the clash of these names, than we are to
fight again the battles of the Factio Albata or the Factio Prasina.
These current dramas, these current conflicts seem scarcely less
factitious. Men without faith may be content to spend their lives for
things only half believed in, and for causes that are contrived. But
that is not our quality. We want reality because we have faith, we seek
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