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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 60 of 322 (18%)
need them as ends, but they need them by the way, and at present the
earnest study of heredity produces none of these bye-products. It lies
before the New Republican to tilt the balance in this direction.

There are, no doubt, already a number of unselfish and fortunately
placed men who are able to do a certain amount of work in this
direction; Professor Cossar Ewart, for example, one of those fine,
subtle, unhonoured workers who are the glory of British science and the
condemnation of our social order, has done much to clarify the
discussion of telegony and prepotency, and there are many such medical
men as Mr. Reid who broaden their daily practice by attention to these
great issues. One thinks of certain other names. Professors Karl
Pearson, Weldon, Lloyd Morgan, J. A. Thomson and Meldola, Dr. Benthall
and Messrs. Bateson, Cunningham, Pocock, Havelock Ellis, E. A. Fay and
Stuart Menteath occur to me, only to remind me how divided their
attention has had to be. As many others, perhaps, have slipped my
memory now. Not half a hundred altogether in all this wide world of
English-speaking men! For one such worker we need fifty if this science
of heredity is to grow to practicable proportions. We need a
literature, we need a special public and an atmosphere of attention and
discussion. Every man who grasps the New Republican idea brings these
needs nearer satisfaction, but if only some day the New Republic could
catch the ear of a prince, a little weary of being the costumed doll of
grown-up children, the decoy dummy of fashionable tradesmen, or if it
could invade and capture the mind of a multi-millionaire, these things
might come almost at a stride. This missing science of heredity, this
unworked mine of knowledge on the borderland of biology and
anthropology, which for all practical purposes is as unworked now as it
was in the days of Plato, is, in simple truth, ten times more important
to humanity than all the chemistry and physics, all the technical and
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