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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 69 of 322 (21%)
respectively of youths of the town artisan population, for the various
ages from ten to twenty-five indicated at the heads of the columns. The
white additions to these columns indicate the additional weight and
height of the more favoured classes at the same ages. Public school-
boys, naval and military cadets, medical and university students, were
taken to represent the more favoured classes. It will be noted that
while the growth in height of the lower class boy falls short from the
very earliest years, the strain of the adolescent period tells upon his
weight, and no doubt upon his general stamina, most conspicuously.
These figures, it must be borne in mind, deal with the living members
of each class at the ages given. The mortality, however, in the black
or lower class is probably far higher than in the upper class year by
year, and if this could be allowed for it would greatly increase the
apparent failure of the lower class. And these matters of height and
weight are only coarse material deficiencies. They serve to suggest,
but they do not serve to gauge, the far graver and sadder loss, the
invisible and immeasurable loss through mental and moral qualities
undeveloped, through activities warped and crippled and vitality and
courage lowered.

Moreover, defective as are these urban artisans, they are, after all,
much more "picked" than the youth of the upper classes. They are
survivors of a much more stringent process of selection than goes on
amidst the more hygienic upper and middle-class conditions. The
opposite three columns represent the mortality of children under five
in Rutlandshire, where it is lowest, in the year 1900, in Dorsetshire,
a reasonably good county, and in Lancashire, the worst in England, for
the same year. Each entire column represents 1,000 births, and the
blackened portion represents the proportion of that 1,000 dead before
the fifth birthday. Now, unless we are going to assume that the
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