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Mankind in the Making by H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
page 84 of 322 (26%)
place comes legislation against overcrowding. There must be a maximum
number of inhabitants to any tenement, and a really sane law will be
far more stringent to secure space and air for young children than for
adults. There is little reason, except the possible harbouring of
parasites and infectious disease, why five or six adults should not
share a cask on a dust heap as a domicile--if it pleases them. But
directly children come in we touch the future. The minimum permissible
tenement for a maximum of two adults and a very young child is one
properly ventilated room capable of being heated, with close and easy
access to sanitary conveniences, a constant supply of water and easy
means of getting warm water. More than one child should mean another
room, and it seems only reasonable if we go so far as this, to go
further and require a minimum of furniture and equipment, a fire-guard,
for instance, and a separate bed or cot for the child. In a civilized
community little children should not sleep with adults, and the killing
of children by "accidental" overlaying should be a punishable offence.
[Footnote: In the returns I have quoted from Blackburn, Leicester, and
Preston the number of deaths from suffocation per 100,000 infants born
was 232 in the first year of life. ]

If a woman does not wish to be dealt with as a half-hearted murderess
she should not behave like one. It should also be punishable on the
part of a mother to leave children below a certain age alone for longer
than a certain interval. It is absurd to punish people as we do, for
the injuries inflicted by them upon their children during
uncontrollable anger, and not to punish them for the injuries inflicted
by uncontrolled carelessness. Such legislation should ensure children
space, air and attention. [Footnote: It is less within the range of
commonly grasped ideas, it is therefore less within the range of
practical expedients, to point out that a graduated scale of building
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