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A Terrible Secret by May Agnes Fleming
page 3 of 573 (00%)
VIII.--In Two Boats
IX.--Alas for Trix
X.--How Trix took it
XI.--How Lady Helena took it
XII.--On St. Partridge Day
XIII.--How Charley took it
XV.--Lady Helena's Ball
XVI.--"O My Cousin Shallow-hearted!"
XVII.--"Forever and Ever"
XVIII.--The Summons
XIX.--At Poplar Lodge
XX.--How the Wedding-day Began
XXI.--How the Wedding-day Ended
XXII.--The Day After
XXIII.--The Second Ending of the Tragedy


I.--At Madame Mirebeau's, Oxford Street
III.--How they Met
IV.--How they Parted
V.--The Telling of the Secret
VI.--The last Ending of the Tragedy
VII.--Two Years After
VIII.--Forgiven or--Forgotten?
IX.--Saying Good-by
X.--The Second Bridal
XI.--The Night
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