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Lives of the Necromancers by William Godwin
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Man looks through nature, and is able to reduce its parts into a great
whole. He classes the beings which are found in it, both animate and
inanimate, delineates and describes them, investigates their
properties, and records their capacities, their good and evil
qualities, their dangers and their uses.

Nor does he only see all that is; but he also images all that is not.
He takes to pieces the substances that are, and combines their parts
into new arrangements. He peoples all the elements from the world of
his imagination. It is here that he is most extraordinary and
wonderful. The record of what actually is, and has happened in the
series of human events, is perhaps the smallest part of human history.
If we would know man in all his subtleties, we must deviate into the
world of miracles and sorcery. To know the things that are not, and
cannot be, but have been imagined and believed, is the most curious
chapter in the annals of man. To observe the actual results of these
imaginary phenomena, and the crimes and cruelties they have caused us
to commit, is one of the most instructive studies in which we can
possibly be engaged. It is here that man is most astonishing, and that
we contemplate with most admiration the discursive and unbounded
nature of his faculties.

But, if a recollection of the examples of the credulity of the human
mind may in one view supply nourishment to our pride, it still more
obviously tends to teach us sobriety and humiliation. Man in his
genuine and direct sphere is the disciple of reason; it is by this
faculty that he draws inferences, exerts his prudence, and displays
the ingenuity of machinery, and the subtlety of system both in natural
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