The Land of Midian — Volume 2 by Sir Richard Francis Burton
page 44 of 325 (13%)
page 44 of 325 (13%)
The chief stores are:--
Rice (good Yemani), per Kis, or bag of five and a half Kaylah (each twenty-one Ratl = eighteen pounds), four to six dollars. Durrah (Sorghum), per Ardebb (each = twelve Kaylah), seven and a half to eight dollars. Dukhn (millet), not common, per Ardebb, eight dollars. Wheat, always procurable, per Ardebb, ten to twelve dollars. Barley, always procurable, per Ardebb, five to six dollars. 'Adas (lentils, Revalenta Arabica), per Ardebb, ten to twelve Samn (liquified butter), per Ratl, seven and a half to eight dollars. Coffee (green), per pound, eighteen-pence. 'Ajwah (pressed dates), 100 to 110 piastres per Kantar (= 100 Ratl). Eggs, thirty-five to the shilling. It is generally possible to buy small quantities of Hummus (lupins or chick-peas), Kharru'b (carob-pods), "hot" and coarse tobacco for the Arabs, and cigarette-paper, matches, etc. |