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The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Together with Numerous Songs Upon Canadian Subjects by Thomas Cowherd
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First sight of Rapids. Of the Falls. Song to them. Conclusion.


Address to Hope. Its benefits to WILLIAM. Commences business. Manner of
conducting it. Thinks again of Matrimony. Shop described.
Inconveniences in it. An incident. Discouragements in trade.
Compensation for them in visits to his intended. A further glance of
her. The home provided her. Marriage. A peep at their home afterward.
Forced to leave it. A second move. A Love's pledge. Imminent peril of
the wife. Unhappy condition of first-born. Church matters. WILLIAM'S
trials from Temper, etc. Continued success in business. Tinsmith's
Song. His long sickness and support under it. Dutiful conduct of
Apprentice. Wife's self-sacrifices and matronly management. COOPER'S
gratitude to her for it. Continued Poetical predilictions. Visits with
his wife the Falls of Niagara. Family increase. Troubles in church
affairs. Excommunication. Fresh church connection. Troubles arise
afresh. Death of wife. WILLIAM'S lament. Conclusion.

William and Amelia
My Garden
The Inebriate's Daughter's Appeal to her Father
To the Children in Mrs. Day's School
Song to Brantford
To Elihu Burritt
To a Violet
Emma, the Tinker's Daughter
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