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Malcolm by George MacDonald
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quaiet i' my temper. Syne I'll lat ye see her--maybe.--I wiss
I was weel rid o' the sicht o' her, for I canna bide it. Lord, I
canna bide it."

These last words were uttered in a murmured aside, inaudible to
Mrs Mellis, to whom, however, they did not apply, but to the dead
body. She rose notwithstanding in considerable displeasure, and with
a formal farewell walked from the room, casting a curious glance
as she left it in the direction of that where the body lay, and
descended the stairs as slowly as if on every step she deliberated
whether the next would bear her weight. Miss Horn, who had followed
her to the head of the stair, watched her out of sight below the
landing, when she turned and walked back once more into the parlour,
but with a lingering look towards the opposite room, as if she saw
through the closed door what lay white on the white bed.

"It's a God's mercy I hae no feelin's," she said to herself. "To
even (equal) my bonny Grizel to sic a lang kyte clung chiel as
yon! Aih, puir Grizel! She's gane frae me like a knotless threid."


Miss Horn was interrupted by the sound of the latch of the street
door, and sprung from her chair in anger.

"Canna they lat her sleep for five meenutes?" she cried aloud,
forgetting that there was no fear of rousing her any more.--"It'll
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