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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 18 of 40 (45%)
"Homage to thee, O Great God, Lord of Maati, [6] I have come to thee,
O my Lord, that I may behold thy beneficence. I know thee, and I know
thy name, and the names of the Forty-Two who live with thee in the
Hall of Maati, who keep ward over sinners, and feed upon their blood
on the day of estimating characters before Un-Nefer [7] ... Behold,
I have come to thee, and I have brought maat (i.e., truth, integrity)
to thee. I have destroyed sin for thee. I have not sinned against
men. I have not oppressed [my] kinsfolk. I have done no wrong in the
place of truth. I have not known worthless folk. I have not wrought
evil. I have not defrauded the oppressed one of his goods. I have
not done the things that the gods abominate. I have not vilified a
servant to his master. I have not caused pain. I have not let any man
hunger. I have made no one to weep. I have not committed murder. I have
not commanded any to commit murder for me. I have inflicted pain on
no man. I have not defrauded the temples of their oblations. I have
not purloined the cakes of the gods. I have not stolen the offerings
to the spirits (i.e., the dead). I have not committed fornication. I
have not polluted myself in the holy places of the god of my city. I
have not diminished from the bushel. I did not take from or add to the
acre-measure. I did not encroach on the fields [of others]. I have not
added to the weights of the scales. I have not misread the pointer of
the scales. I have not taken milk from the mouths of children. I have
not driven cattle from their pastures. I have not snared the birds
of the gods. I have not caught fish with fish of their kind. I have
not stopped water [when it should flow]. I have not cut the dam of
a canal. I have not extinguished a fire when it should burn. I have
not altered the times of the chosen meat offerings. I have not turned
away the cattle [intended for] offerings. I have not repulsed the
god at his appearances. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure...."

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