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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 23 of 40 (57%)
and the Balance stand the two goddesses who nurse and rear children,
Meskhenet and Rennet, Ani's soul, in the form of a man-headed hawk, a
portion of his body, and his luck Shai. Since the heart was considered
to be the seat of all will, emotion, feeling, reason and intelligence,
Ani's heart, is seen in one pan of the Balance, and in the other is
the feather, symbolic of truth and righteousness. Whilst his heart
was in the Balance Ani, repeating the words of Chapter XXXB* of the
Book of the Dead, addressed it, saying, "My heart of my mother! My
heart of my mother! My heart of my being! Make no stand against me
when testifying, thrust me not back before the Tchatchaut (i.e., the
overseers of Osiris), and make no failure in respect of me before
the Master of the Balance. Thou art my Ka, the dweller in my body,
uniting (?) and strengthening my members. Thou shalt come forth to
the happiness to which we advance. Make not my name to stink with
the officers [of Osiris] who made men, utter no lie against me before
the Great God, the Lord of Amentt."

Then Thoth, the Judge of Truth, of the Great Company of the Gods
who are in the presence of Osiris, saith to the gods, "Hearken ye to
this word: In very truth the heart of Osiris hath been weighed, and
his soul hath borne testimony concerning him; according to the Great
Balance his case is truth (i.e., just). No wickedness hath been found
in him. He did not filch offerings from the temples. He did not act
crookedly, and he did not vilify folk when he was on earth."

And the Great Company of the Gods say to Thoth, who dwelleth in
Khemenu (Hermopolis): "This that cometh forth from thy mouth of
truth is confirmed (?) The Osiris, the scribe Ani, true of voice,
hath testified. He hath not sinned and [his name] doth not stink
before us; Amemit (i.e., the Eater of the Dead) shall not have the
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