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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 25 of 40 (62%)
and he says, "Behold, I am in thy presence, O Lord of Amentt. There
is no sin in my body. I have not uttered a lie knowingly. [I have] no
duplicity (?) Grant that I may be like the favoured (or rewarded) ones
who are in thy train." Under favour of Osiris Ani then became a sahu,
or "spirit-body," and in this form passed into the Kingdom of Osiris.


The Kingdom of Osiris.

According to the Book of Gates and the other "Guides" to the Egyptian
Under World, the Kingdom of Osiris formed the Sixth Division of the
Tuat; in very early times it was situated in the Western Delta,
but after the XIIth dynasty theologians placed it near Abydos in
Upper Egypt, and before the close of the Dynastic Period the Tuat of
Osiris had absorbed the Under World of every nome of Egypt. When the
soul in its beautified or spirit body arrived there, the ministers
of Osiris took it to the homestead or place of abode which had been
allotted to it by the command of Osiris, and there it began its new
existence. The large vignette to the CXth Chapter shows us exactly
what manner of place the abode of the blessed was. The country was
flat and the fields were intersected by canals of running water in
which there were "no fish and no worms" (i.e., water snakes). In one
part of it were several small islands, and on one of them Osiris was
supposed to dwell with his saints. It was called the "Island of Truth,"
and the ferry-man of Osiris would not convey to it any soul that
had not been declared "true of word" by Thoth, Osiris and the Great
Gods at the "Great Reckoning." The portion of the Kingdom of Osiris
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