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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 30 of 40 (75%)
The Introductory HYMN TO RA is followed by a HYMN TO OSIRIS, in which
the deceased says:--

"Glory be to thee, O Osiris Un-Nefer, thou great god in Abtu
(Abydos), King of Eternity, Lord of Everlastingness, God whose
existence is millions of years, eldest son of Nut, begotten by Geb,
the Ancestor-Chief, Lord of the Crowns of the South and the North,
Lord of the High White Crown. Thou art the Governor of gods and of
men and hast received the sceptre, the whip, and the rank of thy
Divine Fathers. Let thy heart in Amentt be content, for thy son
Horus is seated upon thy throne. Thou art Lord of Tetu (Busiris)
and Governor of Abtu (Abydos). Thou makest fertile the Two Lands
(i.e., all Egypt) by [thy] true word before the Lord to the Uttermost
Limit.... Thy power is widespread, and great is the terror of thy name
'Osiris.' Thou endurest for all eternity in thy name of 'Un-Nefer'
(i.e., Beneficent Being). Homage to thee, King of kings, Lord of
lords, Governor of governors, who from the womb of the Sky-goddess
hast ruled the World and the Under World. Thy limbs are as silver-gold,
thy hand is blue like lapis-lazuli, and the space on either side
of thee is of the colour of turquoise (or emerald). Thou god An
of millions of years, thy body is all-pervading, O dweller in the
Land of Holiness, thy face is beautiful ... The gods come before
thee bowing low. They hold thee in fear. They withdraw and retreat
when they see the awfulness of Ra upon thee; the [thought] of the
conquests of thy Majesty is in their hearts. Life is with thee.

"Let me follow thy Majesty as when I was on earth, let my soul be
summoned, and let it be found near the Lords of Truth. I have come
to the City of God, the region that is eternally old, with my soul
(ba), double (ka) and spirit-soul (aakhu), to be a dweller in this
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