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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
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of the gods; he lived upon what they lived upon, and so became one
with them. Chapters LIV-LXII gave the deceased power to obtain cool
water from the Celestial Nile and the springs of waters of heaven, and
being identified with Shu, the god of light and air, he was enabled
to pass over all the earth at will. His life was that of the Egg of
the "Great Cackler," and the goddess Sesheta built a house for him
in the Celestial Anu, or Heliopolis.

The recital of Chapter LXIII enabled the deceased to avoid drinking
boiling water in the Tuat. The water in some of its pools was cool
and refreshing to those who were speakers of the truth, but it turned
into boiling water and scalded the wicked when they tried to drink
of it. Chapter LXIV is an epitome of the whole Book of the Dead,
and it formed a "great and divine protection" for the deceased. The
text is of a mystical character and suggests that the deceased could,
through its recital, either absorb the gods into his being, or become
himself absorbed by them. Its rubric orders abstention from meats,
fish and women on the part of those who were to recite it. Chapter LXV
gave the deceased victory over all his enemies, and Chapters LXVI and
LXVII gave him access to the Boat of Ra. Chapters LXVIII-LXX procured
him complete freedom of motion in heaven and on earth. Chapter LXXI
is a series of addresses to the Seven Spirits who punished the wicked
in the Kingdom of Osiris, and Chapter LXXII aided the deceased to
be reborn in the Mesqet Chamber. The Mesqet was originally a bull's
skin in which the deceased was wrapped. Chapter LXXIII is the same as
Chapter IX. Chapters LXXIV and LXXV secured a passage for the deceased
in the Henu Boat of Seker the Death-god, and Chapter LXXVI brought
to his help the praying mantis which guided him through the "bush"
to the House of Osiris. By the recital of Chapters LXXVII-LXXXVIII,
i.e., the "Chapters of Transformations," the deceased was enabled
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