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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
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Horus and the recovery of his body by Sebek the Crocodile-god. Chapter
CXIV enabled the deceased to absorb the wisdom of Thoth and his Eight
gods. Chapters CXV-CXXII made him lord of the Tuats of Memphis and
Heliopolis, and supplied him with food, and Chapter CXXIII enabled
him to identify himself with Thoth. Chapters CXXIV and CXXV, which
treat of the Judgment, have already been described. Chapter CXXVI
contains a prayer to the Four Holy Apes, Chapter CXXVII a hymn to
the gods of the "Circles" in the Tuat, and Chapter CXXVIII a hymn to
Osiris. Chapters CXXX and CXXXI secured for the deceased the use of
the Boats of Sunrise and Sunset, and Chapter CXXXII enabled him to
return to earth and visit the house he had lived in. Chapters CXXXIII
(or CXXXIX)-CXXXVI resemble in contents Chapter CXXXI. Chapter
CXXXVII describes a series of magical ceremonies that were to be
performed for the deceased daily in order to make him to become a
"living soul for ever." The formulae are said to have been composed
under the IVth dynasty. Chapter CXXXVIII refers to the ceremony of
reconstituting Osiris, and Chapters CXL-CXLII deal with the setting
up of twelve altars, and the making of offerings to all the gods and
to the various forms of Osiris. Chapter CXLIII consists of a series
of vignettes, in three of which solar boats are represented.

Chapters CXLIV and CXLVII deal with the Seven Great Halls (Arit) of
the Kingdom of Osiris. The gate of each Hall was guarded by a porter,
a watchman, and a messenger; the first kept the door, the second looked
out for the arrival of visitors, and the third took their names to
Osiris. No one could enter a Hall without repeating the name of it,
of the porter, of the watchman, and of the messenger. According to a
late tradition the Gates of the Kingdom of Osiris were twenty-one in
number (Chapters CXLV and CXLVI), and each had a magical name, and
each was guarded by one or two gods, whose names had to be repeated
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