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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 39 of 40 (97%)
introduction, containing several illustrations, and 116 plates of
hieratic text. Large 4to. Price £2 10s.


[1] See Journal de Trévoux, June, 1704; Caylus, Antiq. Egypt., tom. I,
plate 21; Denon, Travels, plates 136 and 137; and Description de
l'Égypte, tom. II, plate 64 ff.

[2] Copie Figurée d'un Rouleau de Papyrus trouvé à Thèbes dans un
tombeau des Rois. Paris, XIII-1805. This papyrus is nearly 30 feet
in length and was brought to Strassburg by a paymaster in Napoleon's
Army in Egypt called Poussielgue, who sold it to M. Cadet.

[3] [Hieroglyphs].

[4] The longest papyrus in the world is Papyrus Harris No. 1
(Brit. Mus. No. 9999); it measures 133 feet by 1 foot 4 1/2 inches.

[5] Pyramid of Pepi I, ll. 664 and 662.

[6] I.e., Truth, or Law, in a double aspect.

[7] A name of Osiris.

[8] I.e., the "Lord to the uttermost limit of everything," or God.

[9] He was according to one legend the firstborn son of Osiris.

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