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The Book of the Dead by E. A. Wallis Budge
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in length and 1 foot 3 inches in breadth. In all papyri of this class
the text is written in hieroglyphs, but under the XIXth and following
dynasties many papyri are written throughout in the hieratic character;
these usually lack vignettes, but have coloured frontispieces.

Under the rule of the High Priests of Amen many changes were introduced
into the contents of the papyri, and the arrangement cf the texts and
vignettes of the PER-T EM HRU was altered. The great confraternity
of Amen-Ra, the "King of the Gods," felt it to be necessary to
emphasize the supremacy of their god, even in the Kingdom of Osiris,
and they added many prayers, litanies and hymns to the Sun-god to
every selection of the texts from the PER-T EM HRU that was copied
on a roll of papyrus for funerary purposes. The greater number of the
rolls of this period are short and contain only a few Chapters, e.g.,
the Papyrus of the Royal Mother Netchemet (Brit. Mus. No. 10541) and
the Papyrus of Queen Netchemet (Brit. Mus. No. 10478). In some the text
is very defective and carelessly written, but the coloured vignettes
are remarkable for their size and beauty; of this class of roll the
finest example is the Papyrus of Anhai (Brit. Mus. No. 10472). The
most interesting of all the rolls that were written during the rule
of the Priest-Kings over Upper Egypt is the Papyrus of Princess
Nesitanebtashru (Brit. Mus. No. 10554), now commonly known as the
"Greenfield Papyrus." It is the longest and widest funerary papyrus
[4] known, for it measures 123 feet by 1 foot 6 1/2 inches, and it
contains more Chapters, Hymns, Litanies, Adorations and Homages to
the gods than any other roll. The 87 Chapters from the PER-T EM HRU
which it contains prove the princess's devotion to the cult of Osiris,
and the Hymns to Amen-Ra show that she was able to regard this god
and Osiris not as rivals but as two aspects of the same god. She
believed that the "hidden" creative power which was materialized in
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