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The Legends of Saint Patrick by Aubrey de Vere
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unwillingly left many a piece that would please many a reader.

They are not, however, inaccessible. Of the three volumes of
collected works, each may be had separately, and is complete in
itself. The first contains "The Search after Proserpine, and other
Poems--Classical and Meditative." The second contains the "Legends
of St. Patrick, and Legends of Ireland's Heroic Age," including a
version of the "Tain Bo." The third contains two plays, "Alexander
the Great," "St. Thomas of Canterbury," and other Poems.

For the convenience of some readers, the following extract from the
second volume of my "English Writers," may serve as a prosaic
summary of what is actually known about St. Patrick.
H. M.



The birth of St. Patrick, Apostle and Saint of Ireland, has been
generally placed in the latter half of the fourth century; and he is
said to have died at the age of a hundred and twenty. As he died in
the year 493--and we may admit that he was then a very old man--if
we may say that he reached the age of eighty-eight, we place his
birth in the year 405. We may reasonably believe, therefore, that
he was born in the early part of the fifth century. His birthplace,
now known as Kilpatrick, was at the junction of the Levin with the
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