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The Guide to Reading — the Pocket University Volume XXIII by Various
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22nd. LORD BYRON, b. 22 Ja. 1788
I. Macaulay's Lord Byron the Man, 2-Pt. II: 80-94
II. On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year, 12:275-277
III. The Isles of Greece, 14:75-79

23rd. I. Lamb's Dream Children, 5-Pt. II:34-40
II. On Some of the Old Actors, 5-Pt. II:52-76

24th. I. Spenser's Epithalamium, 13:20-37

25th. ROBERT BURNS, b. 25 Ja. 1759
I. The Cotter's Saturday Night, II:40-48
II. Robert Burns, 17-Pt. 1:43-64
II. Halleck's Burns, 15:67-73

26th. THOMAS LOVELL BEDDOES, d. 26 Ja. 1849
I. Wolfram's Dirge, 15:42-43
II. How Many Times Do I Love Thee, Dear? 12:158-159
III. Dream-Pedlary, 12:227-228
IV. Franklin's Philosophical Experiments, 6-Pt. II:125-130

27th. JOHN McCRAE, Died in France 28 Ja. 1918
I. In Flanders Fields, 15:214

28th. HENRY MORTON STANLEY, b. 28 Ja. 1841
I. Henry Morton Stanley, 17-Pt. II:97-124

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