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Chita: a Memory of Last Island by Lafcadio Hearn
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CHITA : A Memory of Last Island

by Lafcadio Hearn

"But Nature whistled with all her winds,
Did as she pleased, and went her way."

To my friend
Dr. Rodolfo Matas of New Orleans

The Legend of L'Ile Derniere


Travelling south from New Orleans to the Islands, you pass
through a strange land into a strange sea, by various winding
waterways. You can journey to the Gulf by lugger if you please;
but the trip may be made much more rapidly and agreeably on some
one of those light, narrow steamers, built especially for
bayou-travel, which usually receive passengers at a point not far
from the foot of old Saint-Louis Street, hard by the
sugar-landing, where there is ever a pushing and flocking of
steam craft--all striving for place to rest their white breasts
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