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Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel by P. G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse
page 2 of 225 (00%)
4. Julian Eversleigh
5. The Column
6. New Year's Eve
7. I Meet Mr. Thomas Blake
8. I Meet the Rev. John Hatton
9. Julian Learns My Secret
10. Tom Blake Again
11. Julian's Idea
12. The First Ghost
13. The Second Ghost
14. The Third Ghost
15. Eva Eversleigh
16. I Tell Julian

_Sidney Price's Narrative_

17. A Ghostly Gathering
18. One in the Eye
19. In the Soup
20. Norah Wins Home

_Julian Eversleigh's Narrative_

21. The Transposition of Sentiment
22. A Chat with James
23. In a Hansom

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