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Among Malay Pirates : a Tale of Adventure and Peril by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
page 39 of 233 (16%)
is all new to me."

"By all means do so," the captain replied. "The matter is an important
one, and you will do well to consider it in all lights before you
take a step that, once taken, cannot be undone."

"I don't like the fellow's looks, Doctor," the captain said; "he
intended to use us as a cat's paw against his neighbors."

"I think that he is a thoroughly bad lot, sir; and if he accepted
the terms, I should be very sorry to be appointed Resident, for I
should not feel that my life was worth a day's purchase."

"Well, there is nothing to do but to wait until we get a definite
answer from him; and my instructions are that, if I find that he
is not a desirable man to have to deal with, I am to enter into
negotiations with other rajahs, and to endeavor to do something
to open the trade of the river and to render it safe for merchants
who come up to trade. If Hassan's account of this man's doings is
correct, he is the main cause of the falling off in the trade, and,
moreover, the author of the piracies of which we have had so many
complaints; indeed, it is possible that when the Governor learns
the true state of things, I may get an order to present an ultimatum
to this fellow and to sink his piratical craft. At any rate, we
may make up our minds to be here for some time."

On the following day a message was received from the rajah, saying
that if any of the officers wished to go on excursions for sport,
guides would be placed at their disposal, and that all who wished
to do so could at any time travel through the country without the
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